Before I did YLAF (the York Lesbian Arts Festival, in York, England), the first time, they sent me this questionnaire, and this is how I sent it back.
Oh, notice I said "the first time." This means it was such an awesome experience, I did it again. So I highly recommend it. And it's for readers and those who enjoy being entertained, except for the first day that has some great writing classes taught by some really talented women.
*****Feel free to elaborate if there’s a good anecdote but please keep answers down to no more than a couple of sentences. Anything you don’t want to answer just leave. We will pick your best 10 or so answers so that we have a good selection across respondents. Ok, you’ve got 20 minutes and no cheating please girls … THANKS!!!!******
Feel free to truncate answers.
What’s your favourite lesbian novel and why?
What’s your favourite music artist or CD?
What’s your favourite film?
I really don’t have many favourites in many things – because I enjoy variety way too much. Anyway, why should I rank or quantify feelings for some things? (And there can be so many subcategories – like science fiction, romance, mystery…
What’s your favourite TV show? Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the show’s too damned good to not be my fave – plus, hot chick kicking butt? Hello!)
What’s your ideal romantic getaway? A nice lake resort, maybe in the mountains. The sort of place where you can maybe go hiking and hit a spa, but remote enough so you can spend alone time with the woman you went to… spend alone time with. ;-)
Who was your first crush on? Olivia Newton-John
What age did you come out? 21.
Who’s your favourite L-Word character?
Who would be your fantasy date? Sarah Michelle Gellar
Which living person do you most admire and why?
Town or country? Town.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert.
What was your first job? Stuffing account statements into envelopes at a credit union when I was 8. Of course, since then I’ve had much more interesting jobs – like simultaneously managing an adult theatre, a lesbigay book and gift store, an adult distributorship, an adult bookstore and a soda fountain/bakery/candy store/lunch counter.
Which of your own books (CDs/performances) is your favourite? When Evil Changes Face.
Which of your own characters/songs do you most identify with? Although many people consider me Brett Higgins’ fraternal twin (I’m nowhere near her height), and we have a bunch of background in common, I’m really much more like Cody from A Butch in Fairy Tale Land – kinda neurotic, a bit confused and delusional, and hell-on-wheels in bed.
Describe your workspace. At my day job… Well, it’s a cube with paper bag puppets in it, cartoons on the walls, papers strewn everywhere, and a bunch of books. At night I write on a laptop in an easy chair while watching DVDs.
What’s your favourite indulgence? Beer. Beer is good. Well, since it’s an integral part of my diet, I guess it’s not so much an indulgence to me as a food group… Ah, now if I want to treat myself, I buy a new sword – how’s that?
What’s your best attribute? I’d say my sense of humour, but I have had some femmes tell me they really like my eyes.
What do you most dislike about yourself? That I’m not more romantic and spontaneous. Also, quick temper and impatient.
Who or what would you send to Room 101? (ie something you want to banish) The Shrub.
What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done? Home cooked a fancy meal, complete with flaming dessert, at home, for consumption by candlelight with nice music… followed by a massage and…
What’s the most challenging thing you’ve ever done? Trying to convince my mother to drive on the right side of the street. Well, actually, just about anything to do with my mother. (Someone else said that continuing to go down on my girlfriend after she dislocated my shoulder should be the answer here. My true definition of butch is that you finish off your gf and go back for seconds, thirds, fourths and fifths before relocating your shoulder, finding ice and taking Advil.)
How often do you exercise? About five times a week
In the movie of your life who plays you? Johnny Depp’s butch sister.
Which job other than yours would you like to do? TV writer.
Who would you like to have been in a former life?
What’s the meaning of life in one sentence? How ‘bout one number? 42.
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Interviews and Roundtables: